Glen Gibson

Glen Gibson
Counselling London

Online Counselling & Psychotherapy Meetings - Skype, Zoom, Teams

I aim to bring clarity and sensitivity to my work with warmth and humour, together with my passionate beliefs of self-determination and responsibility.

Availability confirmed 3 days ago


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About me and my practice

I value each person's uniqueness and respond in an individual way to your circumstances. I recognise that no one theory holds the truth, and that deep and lasting change is possible at any stage of life. Counselling or psychotherapy is not an exact science and I do not hold a one size fits all approach. Some people come prefer gentle guidance, whereas others seek tools & techniques. My experience and training includes working with a range of approaches and strategies.

My focus is less about techniques or analysis and more about exploration, providing an external perspective, helping to shed light upon the obstacles in your life, so insights can be gained to change the areas you want to change or manage your life differently.

My role is to get to know you and for you to develop a greater understanding of yourself in a safe, confidential, and supportive environment. This may include exploration of how you feel, think and act. Working at your own pace, I offer guidance and support so fresh ways of seeing yourself, the options and making choices become available. Alongside the issues you bring, we may look at where you would like to be in your life and what prevents you getting there, so far.


My interest in therapy developed in 1982. A qualified Counsellor and Psychotherapist, in my practice I bring together over twenty-five years experience of working with people at points of change in their lives, both in the voluntary sector and privately. Over this period I have valued listening to peoples life stories. I acknowledge and aspire to share what I have learnt from others.

I have completed 7 years training in psychosynthesis counselling and psychotherapy, drawn to it because it was described as a psychology of the soul.


MA Psychotherapy
Dip Psychotherapy
Dip Counselling

Professional Membership


Professional Register

British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP)

Verified by Counsellingo on Wednesday, 25 October 2023

Initial Consultation

I usually suggest an initial Skype/Zoom meeting to get to know you, see if counselling is suitable, that we are a good fit and feel comfortable working together. I will summarise what I've picked up and feed this back to you. This is quite detailed usually lasting up to 90 minutes.



When I Work

Monday - Friday, 8am - 6pm

Therapeutic Approach


Video Platforms

Skype, Zoom


Greater London

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